
Ursa Miner: Bears Mining Honey!

Created by Room and Board Games

Welcome to Ursa Miner where it’s time to dig into Mount Honeycomb! Mine deep into the mountain to find delicious honey and add more bears to your team. Keep an eye out for valuable royal jelly along the way - whoever mines the most will be crowned ruler of the mountain! Hurry though, because time is short, and once the mountain crumbles, it’s time to go home. You’ll need to use your equipment, navigate dangerous honey-slides, and push around other bears to rule Mount Honeycomb!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

New, Cheaper International Shipping Options!
almost 7 years ago – Mon, Jun 05, 2017 at 11:21:28 AM

Hello backers! If you are looking to receive Ursa Miner internationally, then this update is for YOU. We've been hard at work to offer you cheaper shipping options, and are pleased to introduce a new tier where we can do just that: the BEAR-BONES INTERNATIONAL level. In combination with our existing BEARLIFT tier, we are confident that we have found the best, most flexible options for international backers. Special thanks to Kim Brebach of the MONSTROUS campaign, who used a similar approach to shipping.

The BEAR-BONES tier offers a $6-7 savings on shipping to Canada, Australia and the EU when compared to the BEARLIFT tier. What's the catch? The BEARLIFT tier comes with an "international-friendly" guarantee that the game will arrive at your doorstep with no further VAT or customs charges, while the BEAR-BONES tier offers no such guarantee. Since Ursa Miner is $24, it is just under the 22 euro customs threshold, and we do not expect you will be hit with additional charges in most countries when you receive the game. Please see our updated shipping section for more information.

In most cases, we would recommend our new BEAR-BONES tier for international backers, and encourage existing backers to consider switching their pledge. For certain cases, we still recommend choosing the BEARLIFT tier. If you are in a country like France, Greece, Sweden, Denmark or Romania which has a lower or no VAT threshold, BEARLIFT is a safer option. If you are interested in multiple copies, the value of your package is more likely to hit a VAT threshold, so we would recommend BEARLIFT for you too. Finally, if you just want to pay and remove all uncertainty, the BEARLIFT tier is a great choice!

We recognize this choice adds a little complication to your pledge, so please feel free to message us if you have any questions and we'll help you out! We are so appreciative of all of our international backers who have provided us their feedback, support and patience as we figured out shipping. We can't wait to get you a copy of Ursa Miner!

$16k Stretch Goal + EU Shipping!
almost 7 years ago – Fri, Jun 02, 2017 at 01:36:51 PM

New Stretch Goal

Hello backers! As we enter the last week of our campaign, we're bringing you two very exciting updates. First up: our $15k stretch goal is unlocked! Each of our four teams of bear meeples will now have unique art screen-printed onto them, to give them the extra character they deserve.

But our meeple excitement doesn't stop there! A handful of backers have pointed out that it would be great for our red panda meeples to show their characteristic ears and tails. With that in mind, we're pleased to announce our $16k stretch goal: unique shapes for all four bear teams! Behold, our graphic designer's first take at the red panda meeple:

EU/UK Shipping

The most frequently asked question we receive is if EU fans will be able to receive Ursa Miner, and for the first time, we're able to answer YES! We have gotten in touch with distributors in the EU with competitive rates, and can promise you won't need to cover any VAT or customs charges. Check out our updated shipping section for more information, and please let us know if you have any questions.

Campaign Friends: AEGIS

One last thing before we sign off - some of our old friends are running a campaign for AEGIS, their really excellent game about super combining tactical robots. We've been lucky enough to watch the game evolve over several years, and are confident in saying it is a fun, fast game, whose developers will get you a beautifully-made product. If you haven't already, we'd really recommend taking a look at the AEGIS campaign as they enter their last week!

New Card Art + Shipping to AUS and NZD added!
almost 7 years ago – Wed, May 24, 2017 at 08:17:32 AM

Hey backers, we hope everyone is having a great week as we hit the halfway point of our campaign! Ursa Miner is still going strong, at 116% and fast approaching our first Stretch Goal, of screen-printed meeples. Meanwhile, we've been hard at work behind the scenes and wanted to share two exciting updates with all of you.

First off, we have new art fresh from our illustrator! Introducing...Landslide!


Landslide is one of our favorite cards in the game, because of the different ways it can be used. Need a quick way to move your bears across the mountain? Why not take a ride on a honeycomb! Want a valuable tile, but mining it would break up the mountain? You can use your movement to reconnect the mountain in a whole new way! Feeling a little mean, and spot a nice tile you don't want an opponent to grab? Go stomp another tile down on top of it.

We can't wait to get Landslide, and all our other beautiful components, into the hands of backers all around the world!

Second, we have now setup Australia and New Zealand-friendly shipping options in the BEARLIFT tier for international backers! We have received an exciting amount of interest in Ursa Miner from backers in these countries and are so happy to make the game available to you all. Similar to our recently announced Canada-friendly shipping, we are working directly with fulfillment centers to ensure you do not have to cover any additional taxes or fees when you receive the game. 

Quoting from the shipping section of the updated campaign page: "For backers in Australia and New Zealand, shipping will be $19 for the first game. For each additional copy of the game after the first, please add $24 for the game plus $6 for shipping to your order ($30 total for each additional game)."


If you want your country to be included in the next round of shipping updates, make sure to let us know in the comments below!

Have you tried our PnP? This backer did!
almost 7 years ago – Sun, May 21, 2017 at 08:08:23 PM

Last week we posted a print and play (PnP) of Ursa Miner at one of our backer's request though we figured it would actually end up being a lot of work to put the PnP together given all the hex tiles required to build Mount Honeycomb.

BUT THEN! We received these amazing pictured from that backer who played Ursa Miner with his daughter and wife. Check out his experience putting together the Ursa Miner PnP. You can also see some of the updated art for the tiles in their pictures.

"My daughter is super excited to try this out. Glueing the pages to the cardboard makes them more tile like."
"My daughter is super excited to try this out. Glueing the pages to the cardboard makes them more tile like."


"All cut out."
"All cut out."


"Set up."
"Set up."


"[In the middle of a] three player game."
"[In the middle of a] three player game."

A huge thanks to Christopher for telling us about his experience and sending us these awesome photos. We're so glad you enjoyed the game and can't wait for you, and all of our backers, to have their copy of Ursa Miner come this December!

First Stretch Goal Revealed!
almost 7 years ago – Thu, May 18, 2017 at 05:48:13 PM

Hey backers! We're ecstatic that we were able to hit our funding goal within one week of starting this campaign. Now that we know we will be bringing Ursa Miner to you, it's time for stretch goals to enhance your game play experience. We are pleased to announce our first stretch goal: Screen Printed Bear Meeples! We know many of you are already excited to be using bear meeples (beeples? mears? please help); now you can look forward to bear meeples with character! If we reach the stretch goal of $15,000, each of the four teams will come with unique, screen printed printed features to add a little personality to your team of honey-mining bears.

Here's a peek at our graphic designers first-take at a printed Mr. Brown Bear meeple! We love the way he matches the art you can see on the front of the box:

We have some exciting plans for the upcoming goals - we'd also love to hear what kind of upgrades you'd like to see! Please feel free to share your thoughts below :)